A trust is a legal arrangement, almost always in writing (the Trust Deed), whereby the owner of assets (the Settlor), transfers them to the Trustee(s), who will hold the assets for the benefit of one or more parties (the Beneficiaries).
The creation of a trust inherently relinquishes a degree of control over the assets placed into the trust to the Trustee(s). It is vital that trusts are properly established and not simply a sham with the Settlor retaining complete power over the Trust. The Trustees need to be certain that they are governing the Trust in accordance with the wishes of the Settlor, which are usually conveyed via a ‘Letter of Wishes’ from the Settlor to the Trustees. A Protector may also be used to advise or limit the Trustees. There are different types of trusts that offer different Settlor oversight. Please feel free to contact us for further information.
The Protector acts as an advisor to the Trustees, as well as having potentially significant powers over the Trust’s activities. He or she would normally be a family member or trusted friend or professional adviser, who will ensure that the Trustees act in accordance with their duties. Please feel free to contact us for further information.
The cost of offshore trusts and companies varies depending on their complexity. Our approach to fees is one of transparency and fairness and we continuously ensure that we remain competitive. Typically our fees comprise of a fixed trustee or director’s fee with administrative fees on a time spent basis charged in addition. For a copy of our schedule of charges and prevailing hourly rates please contact us.
Offshore companies typically provide limited liability, excellent flexibility, as well as a level of protection and privacy. The Companies are usually incorporated and registered in low tax, stable jurisdictions and in certain cases jurisdictions where double tax treaties exist. Tax mitigation is often the primary motivation for such companies, yet there are also various legal, administrative and fiscal reasons to incorporate offshore. Please contact us for more information.
Clermont provide corporate directors, or in the case of jurisdictions where local or individual directors are required, individuals accountable to Clermont are appointed.
We do not have a minimum client size however the assets and benefits of a structure must justify its cost. It is crucial that we understand each client’s individual circumstances and priorities. Please feel free to contact us for further information.
Clermont’s style of work and personal engagement emphasises integrity, loyalty and exceptional service. We pride ourselves on the close personal contact which our senior management maintains with clients, delivering the highest level of service and expertise regardless of the value of assets that a client holds with us. Our team of experienced professionals provides expert advice according to our clients’ individual needs, delivering personalised solutions which ensure security and continuity of wealth. Our clients value and depend on our independence, professionalism and discretion.