02 Mar 2022


INTERVIEW with Nigel Lee

Location: Mauritius
Current role: Head of Operations – Clermont Consultants (MU)
One word that best describes how you work: Multitasking

1. Born and educated in Mauritius, what do you love most about it?

I was born, raised and educated in Mauritius and absolutely love it here. The island life is second to none for a perfect work/life balance.

2. Please take us through a recent workday.

My workday routine is essentially juggling between client matters, operations and interactions with the team in Mauritius and across the group. Each workday is different which is probably the main driving force behind my motivation to work.

3. Who are the people who help you get things done and how do you rely on them?

The whole team in Mauritius. We are a small team with different skills and talents which, combined, produce amazing outcomes!

4. If you could choose one song to play every time you walked into a room for the rest of your life, what song would you choose and why?

That’s a difficult one! I have an eclectic music taste and can listen to anything butif I had to pick one it would probably be Ras Kouyon a song from Kaya, our“Mauritian Bob Marley”, for the instrumental and strong message behind the lyrics.
(Definitely not trying to promote Mauritian culture here! ????)

5. What to date has been the highlight of your time with Clermont?

I joined DeltaCap in 2016, which then became Clermont MU in late 2019, so life with Clermont is relatively new. The launch event in Mauritius was definitely a night to remember!

6. Are you a gatherer or a hunter?

Hunter. I like a good old challenge and will do anything and everything to achieve a set target or goal.

7. Tell us about something you struggled with early in your career and how you overcame it.

I was not predestined to work in this profession given my educational background, but I wanted to prove to myself that I could succeed against all odds. When I look back, I think I can proudly say that I did it through a lot of hard work and dedication!

Thank you for your contribution!

+41 (0)22 718 7810 | +44 (0)20 8236 1420 | contactus@clermonttrust.com | https://clermonttrust.com